
We offer the best solutions, adapted to each project

Transports by Land, Sea and Air

At TRANSMODAL, our core activities are road transports, rail transports, combined transports, the movement and transport of cranes and the movement of super loads. We count on all the necessary technical and human resources for executing whatsoever project.

Road Transports

TRANSMODAL own equipment and materials for the transportation and handling of heavy loads. We have carried out various transports of Reactors of more than 600 to single gross weight, as well as transports of packages such as Columns of more than 10 mtrs in diameter and 60 mtrs in length, using Flyover Bridges when bridge structures or the resistance of the road/underground do not support the weight of the transport. When cargo or infrastructure require so, we use our special transport frames or low beam trailers.

Likewise, TRANSMODAL carry out internal transports and transports of packages of more than 1,900 tons, within the port areas, movements of large cranes or other components that due to weight and dimensions cannot transit by road.

 In our area, TRANSMODAL are a leader in transportation for all kinds of parts for nuclear, solar, and wind power plants (both onshore and offshore) as well as for heavy boilers and other equipment fabricated by heavy steel manufacturers, both on the peninsula and in the Balearic and Canary Islands.

Rail Transports

TRANSMODAL have own specialized railcars and other necessary railway equipment. When the authorities do not allow transit by road, e.g. for excessive weight, then we are able to provide alternative rail solutions.

This modality is mainly used for the transport of Transformers, Turbines or Generators. TRANSMODAL have all the necessary equipment to design and carry out combined road/rail/road transports, including the transfer from road vehicles to railcars and vice versa, by means of hydraulic jacks, slide equipment and hydraulic gantries.

Combined Transports

Weight and envelope dimensions of very large undividable packages often do not allow them to be transported over the road from the point of origin to the point of destination.

In these cases, combined transport solutions must be found, e.g. by truck and rail, or by truck and ocean vessels.

At TRANSMODAL, our experts have all the necessary experience to carry out these types of transports. We can rely on our own railcars or trucks to carry the cargo to the port of export and also arrange for ocean transport including vessel charters if required. We also can design and arrange for the on-carriage from destination port to the final job site, involving any kind of transport equipment. We can provide our solutions literally to any place in the world.

Super Loads

The industry tends to move more and more entirely prefabricated factory segments with increasingly higher weights and dimensions.

TRANSMODAL own self-propelled modular trailers, gantry systems, frame jacks, hydraulic jacks, other specialized heavy equipment and the experience to move these super loads.